Tuesday, March 20, 2007

my dota experiences

i will remember e times when i spend with my NS or uni friends going out and they will end up talking about warcraft 3 almoz throughout the sessions. this is wat happens when my circle of friends r mozly guys. I will alwas end up feeling super bored n uninterested,n yet unable to blame them. i mean,wat do u realli expect them to do? it is realli their source of interest,n me as e minority(actualli e onli 1 moz of e times) cannot expect them to accomodate me all e time. "hey does sange stack with this butterfly effect huh?" "bs level 4 can double kill alreadi,let me teach u how" "guys,guess how i use my lycan? haha..u guys will never found out..haha" YAWN! i never cared or intended to play e game coz all computer games seem so degrading at tat point of time.

But one person made me realise e true beauty of such online games. my ex roommate, played dota with a level of commitment n graciousness for his team tat u cannot help but respect e game. you should c e way he use rasta n sets up e kills for his teammates to pounce on. the number of times he rescue his teammates with his foresight to get wards or his tactical disabling..moz pple will actualli run away for their own lives,but my roomate will alwas be there to help out. there was once when i was a novice at using sand king, i was being ganged n was waiting to die once my sand storm expires. another of my teammate(sadly is a good friend of mine somemore) laughed at me n taunt me about my inevitable death. but not tat rasta. instead,with an air of coolness, he rushed over, vodooed one of e opponents,n plant his serpent wards. he was about to even shackle e other hero b4 they had to back. i was then able to run away for dear life back to the fountain. His Qop is also quite dramatic. he realli cr8s terror in his opponents n disallow them to farm. there was a time the sentiniels was returning back to base as a group with one of them in low hp. he went over,blinked rite in e middle of the group n assasinate the weakling with his spells. then like a ninja after completing his mission, he blink away n escape from e group.
Hence my interest in e game grew. Something is seriously wrong when i decided to commit 2 days a week playing dota in usa west bnet. i have been playing reasonably often since. i realise how into the game i was when once i was defending the throne n this ABC went in to my room n started disturbing us in a very offensive manner over some admin stuffs in e real world. At tat point of time,i felt invaded n all anger n bloodlust in e game was reflected onto her.wat happen next is not impt but I am sure any guy hu plays dota long enuff will agree with me tat,regardless of hu is rite or wrong abt e issue, ABC definately picked e wrong time to attack e sensitive issues. When i am defending my throne somemore!!! how attacked i feel at tat point of time. anyway, tat incident caused quite a stir for a week b4 it finalli cooled down. but this will alwas remain in my mind about how my level of emotions i feel for e game.
Anyway,dota while has onli been in my life for less than a year, has been quite a journey indeed. esp when u c my journey from been alwas scolded a noob online. in every game,pple will complain abt my heores,esp e sniper. onli once my teammates actualli found my feeding funny,n tat's onli coz my panda was cute. indeed my panda appeared more cute than its usual image of magical vulnerableness n its fearsome area stun. my panda was more of a roasted bear with its sugar cane to be grinded as a bonus drink.
I almoz wanted to give up. too many times, actualli all e times i dun understand wat is happening in e map. it is not uncommon to find me farming n rite behind me,my opponents were pawning my teammates. in almoz every team battle i will never fail to do something wrong. be it blocking my teammates,to die first in almoz every teambattles,end up attacking creeps instd of e heroes. it does not help tat e opponents will never fail to take advantage of my complete unawareness of e game n gang me. my reflex is juz pure horrible. double kill's like a norm when playing against me.
e turning pt of my interest came in a game whereby i was playing with kenneth in usa west. what made e game so unreasonable is tat there was actualli a player more noob than me ising razor. Kenneth had e misfortune to farm alongside with him n c e razor feed freely,doing nonsense stuffs. at least he had e brains to feed to e towers rather than e heroes. he controlled razor so badly tat e opponents had no chance to last hit him b4 the towers took care of him. n throughout e whole game,e attention was on him. KNN ask him buy boots,u will c him buy 2 boots of elvenskin. i even contribute my bracers to him. We started losing v badly because of him. even kenneth wanted to quit the game. i was e one persuading every1 to stay on n try to win e game. fortunately,e other 2 teammates were not bad. Needless to say,kenneth is alwas e great asset to his team,ever reliable,if not a little too obsessed with denying(i also love denying a lot actualli). hence we all decided to take it seriously n try to turn e game around.
close ot 2hrs later,we started winning e game. my juggernaut by then had sny n mkb n could defeat any of their heroes 1 on 1. kenneth's rasta was on his way to his refresher n was doing an excellent job controlling axe n bone clinck for us to kill. e best thing is tat our dear cutie little razor actualli got one kill!!! man we were celebrating for joy when razor killed someone,i remembered laughing till i cry while playing e game. we eventualli won e game with kenneth's double wards demolishing all e towers n buildings. this game will alwas cr8 an image of juggernaut holding his unneccesarrily overenormous size sword in a jedi style with serpent wards behind me with an rasta's spirit(tat game kenneth keep on dying) pointing forward, getting us all to chiong with perserverance n heart(not e items,u idiot)! till now,this will be my impression of dota even when i switched to more practical heroes like sand king in e later stage.
I could not stop playing after tat. n it realli helps tat kc at tat point of time lied to me that my dota skills are actualli not tat bad.more inspiring battles occured but juz not as inspirational as e eventful one. one more significant battle was with me,e shining light n kc. we were e onli 3 left in sentiniels. i was using enigma,feeding quite a lot due to me first time using him. then by chance i discovered my strengths when i black hole e whole team. even e opposing panda could not split n had to die! i will alwas remember kc n e shining light saying ray... i was like oh no wat have i done wrong again. then they will say n1... yah ray realli n1.i still totalli lost, will say yah not an issue... we manage to hold up e game with juz 3 of us. then when they were pushing top, we suddenly stopped defending n pushed mid instd. n we pushed all e way to e throne,much to e shock of every1. my enigma's pushing apparently is more powerful than i realise. one of those undeserved victories.
However despite my acceleration in my interest,i could not hide my horrible reaction n map sense which i cannot seem to overcome. it was so bad to the point of depressing once i started playing in ntu bnet. ntu bnet has many seasoned players tat one player doing badly will realli affect e whole game. in usa west bnet,there will be so much leavers tat one can afford to play badly n still win,but not here. i tot abt it n decided tat it's not something i can do much abt it immediately. after all,my slow progress in this game is coz of my first time playing such real time strategy games. i even for a point of time tried joining other things which i tot will improve my reaction but i felt to no avail. i concluded tat it is juz something i have to improve slowly n naturalli.
i think i am now an average dota player coz of my recent sudden improvement ironicalli after i took a break from it for like 2 months. i started my winning streak after i found using tidehunter. somehow,i cannot help but win moz of e times when i use tat unimpressive hero. after my obsession with tidehunter,i became better in dota unexpectedly. i owe a lot to alex too,for i am now quite pro with e scorpion. if he had not commented on me to stop using sk n use simpler heroes("sk is juz not for u"),i would not have realli trained my sk to e pt of even noeing all e minor technical details of the hero. oh yah,dota lets me noe how stubborn i am. my first favourite hero was juggernaut mainly coz pple also keep on telling me how lousy juggernaut is.
recently i joined a clan n get to play more drafts. i was pleasantly surprised but i had to admit tat i was playing my sand king very well tat day. a scorpion could not be any more powerful.
i am now trying for more intel built heroes like rasta n holy chen. for any dota players reading my blog,this is my tip for u. in entrepreneurship,pple go for wat will be hot as they try to predict e trend. here,it is obvious tat e game is going towards e direction for a more early game strategies.(much greater incentives for tower destruction,cheaper sentry wards,weaker roshan with ageis as a reward!) hence e need to learn early game heroes. as one hu love melee heroes,this will be a great disadv for me,hence i muz change.
ok bah think next time perhaps i will write a blog abt e way i play some of my heroes. it will be fun. meanwhile, my dota journey continues...

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